Danny Daniels

  • Brooklyn

Danny Daniels

Hi! I am Danny, a NYC resident of 36 years. I am a volunteer at the Tehuti Maat garden . When I first volunteered I needed people who understood the inner change I was experiencing on my spiritual journey. Being a New Yorker who always lived in an apartment, never having the luxury of a backyard, or a garden to plant food I was excited about the opportunity to learn and experience nature work. I connected instantly with other volunteers and mentors, became interested in the workshops provided and other learning experiences. My hobbies shifted and aligned to the garden and the Organic Food for the People Mission . I was learning first hand the detrimental essentials of life… and now I am on a journey of sharing that . I enjoy fishing, private time with Self, feeding animals, maintaining and assisting the garden to achieve our mission of self sustainability.  My aspirations are to learn, share my gifts, grow and be of service to others in the Community.