Tehuti Ma’at Garden
Click here for visual presentation
The Project
We're just completed our ninth year of the Organic Food for the People urban farm program. Rooted directly in the heart of the Brookyln, our goal is to provide access to organic produce and herbs to people who don't have access to affordable organic food. With the money we raise we will be able to continue on our course to transforming Tehuti Ma'at Community Garden into a thriving urban farm growing healing foods, including medicinal herbs. The money will go directly to purchasing the supplies and equipment necessary for ethical building and growing, including water conservation, irrigation and filtration systems.
Our team of volunteers have spent five years cleaning and rehabilitating this previously dilapidated garden and working to develop a community of artists and activists through dynamic programing. Our RAWorkshops and open-mics have provided educational resources and hands-on skills training on topics such as holistic healing, food justice, health and nutrition. The programing is a significant piece to this project because it shows participants the importance of this work, allows them to be heard, develop skills and actively participate in the Organic Food for the People program.
The Steps
Spring Cleaning
Starting & Sewing Seeds
YouthWrap Program
Starting & Sewing Seeds
Garden Maintenance
Relaunch Fundraising Effort
Grow Your Own Food RAWorkshop
Build Nu Composting System
Set-up Drip Irrigation System
Garden Beautification
Transition Your Kitchen RAWorkshop
Set-up Rain Water Conservation
Race for Food Freedom RAWorkshop
Build Apothecary Structure for Drying Herbs
ROOTS Ancestral Medicine RAWorkshop
October 2021:
Final Harvest
Prepare Garden for Winter
Live-it vs Die-it RAWorkshop
- Winter Maintenance -
Spring Cleaning
Prepping Garden for Planting
The Budget
40 cubic yards of soil - $1200
Compost and organic fertilizer - $1460
Seeds and plants - $1100^
Facilitator Stipends - $1000
Farming tools - $500^
Farming Equipment - $1000^
Supplies for water purification system - $500
Supplies for rain water conservation $500
Supplies for drip irrigation - $300
Lumber for building - $800
Ecopaint - $350*
Bird Bath - $150
Maintenance - $300^
Trellising system - $350*
Outreach materials - $300
Workshop materials - $400
Documentation (photo & video) stipend - $200
Food for workshops - $700
^partially purchased
Why We're Doing It
We founded this organization to provide educational resources to inner city neighborhoods. We began this Organic Food for the People community garden program as a tangible step toward racial, economic, environmental and social justice. We see this work as a holistic solution to the violence and health issues plaguing the neighborhood, including diabetes and obesity.
Tehuti Maat Garden is located in a food war zone right in the heart of Brooklyn, NY. This historical neighborhood known as Weeksville was one of the first sovereign black communities in America. This opportunity to grow food and learn about nutrition, develop healthy eating habits, and hands-on farming and cooking skills, addresses the economic and health issues we face here. It is also a method of community organizing, empowerment and beautification.
This effort grew from the desire to provide basic day to day needs within the community, expressed by people at our community speak-outs. This is a movement for self-determination and food sovereignty. Through this community farm project, artists, activists and healers are coming together to grow and harvest organic foods in the garden, as well as provide a host of resources to holistically address the needs of people in the neighborhood.
Proud of all your accomplishments. Very inspiring. Thank YOU. I’d Love to volunteer my energy. I am :Amor-Rah: :El. I believe its divine how I found you. the website looks amazing. its really colorful and straight to the point. I am here for support and assistance. Excited to see your growth.. I will you all of your desired outcomes!